Monday 28 September 2009

Vandalism at Esplanade's historic bandstand...

People who passed through Esplanade last Saturday morning sadly witnessed the vandalism of the bandstand's lattice-work. That was the last incident of Esplanade's vandalism, after the grafitties on the monument of Eptanisos and on the paved areas of the square. What is considered one of the most well-known sights of our island, is being vandalised often by a bunch of spoilt teenagers who apparently haven't given the proper education of respecting the history of their homeland.

*Photos taken from "Maties stin Kerkira" blog.

What should be done, in my opinion, is to patrol the area more intensively and impose a "zero tolerance" policy towards those vandals who is doing the best they can to make Corfu look unattractive and "third world" in those difficult times we are getting through.

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